Wessington Springs Community Foundation Gives Matching Funds to Pars for Patients Fundraiser

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(WESSINGTON SPRINGS, SD) – The Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation is providing a matching gift of $5,000 to the upcoming Pars for Patients Golf Tournament and Dinner/Auction hosted by the Horizon Health Foundation.

The Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation is a donor supported organization dedicated to supporting and enriching the future of the Wessington Springs Community by providing financial support to community-oriented organizations and projects. Through its generous donors the Foundation has given more than $225,000 back to Springs area communities.

The WSACF Advisory Council decided to donate to the Pars for Patients event because of the important role Horizon plays in their town.

“It’s a service and a convenience a lot of communities our size don’t have,” said Julie Bruckner, WSACF Chairperson. “Without those two things in our community it makes it harder to get that health care or maybe you don’t get it as often because it’s less convenient. You put it off because you have to drive 50 miles to get those services.”

She said the group is grateful to have the tournament in their community to raise funds and awareness for everything Horizon does. The matching funds from the Springs Area Community Foundation will allow auction bidders to double their donation to support local health care.

“Our goal is to raise $60,000 at the Pars for Patients event so we can purchase new equipment for our medical and dental clinics,” said Tracy Pardy, Horizon Health Foundation Executive Director. “Without funds raised Horizon simply does not have the budget to make these purchases. We are so grateful to the WSACF for making this incredible matching gift. All gifts received will be matched by them up to $5,000 doubling the support for a $10,000 gift! Thank you to all the board members and the entire community for their support of our patients in Springs. They are making an impact!”

Golf enthusiasts and Horizon supporters will gather on June 9 at the Springs Country Club to golf 18 holes to raise money to meet equipment needs at the Jerauld County Community Health Center and Dental Clinic. Although the golfing teams are full, community members can purchase a dinner ticket (serving prime rib catered by Heather Larson of Sweet Grass) for the evening event, buy a raffle ticket and participate in the auction. Up for bid are trips to Scotland and Jamaica, locally grown and processed beef, and woodworking by local provider Dr. Tom Dean. For more information, please visit www.horizonhealthfoundation.com/golf or call Adam at 605-772-5907.

About Horizon Health Foundation

The Horizon Health Foundation was established in 2016 to ensure rural health care access to those in need and provide funding for Horizon Health Care Horizon Health Foundation, a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, seeks through responsible activities to encourage and derive sustaining gift support from current and former patients and interested friends, including corporate entities. The Horizon Health Foundation Office, operating in coordination with Horizon Health Care, is the duly designated fund-raising arm for Horizon Health Care, Inc.  In the broadest sense, the purpose of the Foundation is to create an awareness of the financial needs of Horizon Health which are not provided by patient charges and to systematically implement plans by which dollar needs can be met. For more information, please visit http://www.horizonhealthfoundation.com or call 605.772.4553.