Sharon Egleston, a nurse at Horizon’s Mission Community Health Center has touched many lives over the course of her career. However, one of those lives recently brought her the most rewarding experience she could’ve dreamed of – a new daughter, Zoe.
One day, the clinic received a call from the local shelter stating that they had a young woman who was pregnant and in need of OB care, but had no means of payment. Sharon asked for her to come in and take a pregnancy test, so she could apply for Medicaid, which she agreed to.
Through funds available from the Horizon Health Foundation, the patient was able to establish an OB care plan with the Mission CHC team. During her visits, she began to share her story. A victim of human trafficking, this young woman knew that she didn’t want to have an abortion, but could not face keeping the child due to the trauma she had sustained.

Personally, Sharon and her husband have struggled with infertility and miscarriages for years and had begun to research adoption. As the young woman was reviewing her own options and looking for the best possible future for her unborn child, a worker at the shelter informed her that the nurse, who had been caring for her at the clinic, and her husband were unable to have children and may be interested in adoption.
During her next visit to the clinic, the young woman approached Sharon and asked if her and her husband would like to adopt her baby. Shocked at the turn of events, Sharon discussed with her husband and they agreed that they wanted to pursue the adoption. Now, months later, the Eglestons are eternally grateful for the beautiful daughter they have been given – only because a patient was able to receive the care she needed through Horizon Health Care and the Horizon Health Foundation.
Mother's Day...
is a day set apart to celebrate the women in our lives who raised us, continue to love us and encourage us. A gift to the Horizon Health Foundation in honor or memory of your mom, grandma, or mother figure will help make life better for those in your community.
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